The initial acre purchased filled quickly and it was necessary to purchase another acre on the North side, which was done in 1867. Another half-acre was procured by exchange and added to the east side, and the whole addition was laid out in family lots with walks between them. As early as 1857 there were no trees or shrubbery except a few lilac bushes and an occasional flower planted upon some new-made grave. The rows of beautiful cedar-trees which now adorn the graveyard were there planted by William Firey, at his own expense, and the plan was also projected by him of building the stone wall which now encloses the church grounds on the southeast side and along the turnpike, so as to prevent the washing of the soil. In 1873, Rev. Victor Miller solicited and collected the sum of five hundred and six dollars in the neighborhood of St. Paul's, to be known as the graveyard fund of St. Paul's Lutheran and Reformed congregations in Clear Spring District, Washington Co., Md. This fund was placed under the control of the trustees of the congregations and invested by them in Washington County Bank stock, and the interest alone is expended annually in beautifying the grounds and in keeping the graveyard and its enclosures and adornments in as good condition as possible.
The cemetery is associated with the church. We were fortunate to visit in June 2015. The church and cemetery are maintained to a very high degree and it was a very pleasant experience.
The transcription includes those found in Scharf’s ‘History of Western Maryland’. Many of those we could not find the stone or the stone is so old it was worn and could not be read. Those names marked with an (*) on the list do not have photos. The others are included in the album for St. Paul’s Reformed Church and Cemetery.
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If you have photos or names to add, contact
Click here to see the photo album
Transcriptions from 6-13-2015