The congregation was organized and incorported in 1899. At that time, it joined the German Evangelical Synod of North America officially in 1929. We know it was a Lutheran Church and the church moved to 219-227 North Chester Street near Fayette around 1915. This new church was formerly the church of the Apostolic Faith Congregation. It was purchased privately in April of 1915. Friedens, the original church was located at Madison and Duncan Streets and was sold in September 1915. The transfer of title reveals that the original church on Madison was sold to the Redemptorist Order. It was at that time believed to be used for the congregation of St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church. From 1892 to 1898, the pastor was R. Schmidt.
(Courtesy of the Eden Theological Seminary Archives)
The Sunpaper on September 27, 1915 reports "that the new edifice of the Friedens Evangelical Lutheran congregation, Chester near Fayette, was dedicated yesterday morning with appropriate exercises. The dedicatory sermon was preached by the pastor, the Rev. Charles Enders, and there was special music by the choir." In the afternoon the services included scriptures and prayers by the Rev. Otto Apitz, Evangelical Immigrant Missionary, and preaching in German by the Rev. Paul Briesemeiser of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church of Locust Point. The English service was done by Rev. J. Otto Reller of St. Matthew's Evangelical Church of Homestead. The last service in the old church on Madison was held on September 20, 1915.
A hall was added to the church. In 1938, the sanctuary was renovated and an addition built to provide a vestry and two larger chambers to house a new organ. Renovations to the front of the building and another addition were begun in 1946 and completed in June 1947.
Dedication of the New Friedens Evangelical Lutheran Church November 7, to December 7, 1947
(Courtesy of the Eden Theological Seminary Archives)
Friedens Church transferred its membership to the United Lutheran Church in America (ULCA) in 1948 under the pastorate of the Rev. Manfred Manrodt. It later merged with Trinity Lutheran and subsequently with Martin Luther and Bethany Lutheran churches to form Amazing Grace Lutheran on McElderrry Street in 1996.
There was a new addition put on the church on Chester Street and the cornerstone reads 1965.
On a visit to the area in July 2015 we found a church at the address. The church is currently being used by an organization called, 'The Door', a Baltimore Urban Leadership Foundation (www.
A Sunpaper article dated May 4, 1974 announces the passing of Rev. Manfred Manrodt, pastor of the Friedens Evangelical Lutheran Church for over 40 years.
Manfred Mandrodt (1893-1974) was a graduate and later professor at Eden Theological Seminary, the seminary serving the Evangelical Synod. He was dismissed among controversy in 1929 and later resigned from the denomination. He joined the Lutheran Church.
Information provided by Scott Holl, Eden Theological Seminary
Pastors of Friedens: