Mount Zion Lutheran Church Frederick
Source: Centennial History of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Maryland 1820-1920, Wentz
This congregation precedes St. Paul's, of Jefferson, in the time of organization. The church was built in 1819. It was located a little over four miles from Jefferson and about the same distance from Frederick, about a mile inland from the state road, on an elevation, in view of St. Luke's three-quarters of a mile distant. Rev. D. F. Schaeffer, D.D., served this congregation from Frederick.
It was during his ministry that a stone building was constructed jointly by Reformed and Lutherans. It continued to be a union church until about 1880, when the Lutherans bought the Reformed interest for one dollar, the latter locating at Feagaville. The Lutherans continued to be served by the pastors from Frederick until 1840. It was during Rev. S. W. Harkey's pastorate that Mount Zion, with the Manor congregation, was "relinquished" and became part of the Jefferson charge.
In 1885 there was a desire to construct a new church but on account of a disagreement as to the location of the new building, a small part of the constituency of Mount Zion congregation withdrew.
The remaining members built a new brick church on the same site on which the original church was located, during the pastorate of Rev. W. H. Settlemeyer. at a cost of $1,800. While there were a few that withdrew because of the decision of the location of the new Mount Zion, there were those who followed. There have been losses to the congregation by death and families moving from the area, but the church maintained its existence. In the will os Messrs. Rehr and Smith, the church received generous remembrances.
The most common family name in the congregation was Fulmer.