German American Heritage Month
German American Heritage Month bill passed!
2013 Legislation-THE BILL PASSSED!
To check the history, the votes or the bill as it was enrolled click here!
Special thanks to Senator Klausmeier and Delegate Aumann!
Stay involved politically!
The Maryland General Assembly has a new website. Need to know who to write to in your district? Just click here and at the bottom of the page you are taken to you will see 'Voice My Opinion', click there and put your name and zip and it will take you to your representatives.
How to write a letter or address an Email to a Legislator and 'Sample Letter'
You are never too young to be politically active and understand what is happening around you. We were contacted by the children at The Brenham Community Center in Texas. They provided us with a link that helps children understand the process and contact representatives in Congress. Click here!
Members of the German Community at Senate Hearing, March 14, 2012
(Back: Brigitte Fessenden, Tom Werner, Betty Nieman, Dutch Nieman, Bernie Penner, Bill Arnold, Maureen Helinski
Front: Hans Steffen, Leslie Trageser, Senator Katherine Klausmeier, Shelley Arnold)