Trinity United Church of Christ Manchester
Trinity United Church of Christ-Manchester
Sources: Church Website:
History of Western Maryland, Vol. II,By J. Thomas Scharf, A.M.-Published, Louis Everts, Philadelphia 1882
By the year 1760 the Zion Union Church was formed. The church was organized in February 1760. It consisted of two congregations, German Reformed and Lutheran. Each group worshiped on alternate Sundays in the 'Kirche Hause' (church house). The steeple was built in November 1836. Jacob Houck was the contractor making repairs…John Matthias was the contractor and builder of the steeple. At this time Rev. Jacob Albert (Lutheran) and Rev. Jacob Geiger (German Reformed) were the pastors. The first church was a log church 1760 and the second brick 1790…stood in the graveyard plot…it was known as the Union church.
As new immigrants arrived, the church membership grew and the two congregations amicably separated in 1862. The Reformed Congregation became the Trinity Reformed Church, now known as the Trinity United Church of Christ.
The present building was begun during the Civil War and completed in June of 1864. Located on the corners of York and Church Streets, the steeple is the highest in Manchester. The 700 pound bell within the steeple was purchased at a cost of fifty-five cents a pound. It continues to summons people to worship each Sunday.
Lutheran Pastors:
Rev. Newburg
Rev. Johann Daniel Schroeder
Rev. Meltzheimer
Rev. John Herbst
Rev Emanual Keller
Rev. Jacob Albert
Rev. Jeremiah Harpel
Rev. Philip Williard
Rev. Frank Ruthrauff
Rev. Elias Swartz
Rev. Jacob Kaempfer
Rev. Daniel Hauer
Emanuel Lutheran Pastors:
Rev. Peter River
Rev. R. Weiser
Rev. G. Sill
Rev. E. Manges
Trinity Reformed Church Pastors:
Rev. Jacob Geiger
Rev. C.F. Colliflower
Rev. Henry Wisler
Rev. J.W. Hoffmeirer
Rev. D.W. Kelley
Rev. William Rupp
See also Trinity United Church of Christ Cemetery (Manchester)
Many of the records for this church may be found at:
Evangelical & Reformed Historical Society
555 W. James Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
Phone: 717-290-8734 (Please call before visiting to assure staff will be available to assist)
Church Address:
3229 York Street
P.O. Box 730
Manchester, MD. 21101