St. Peter's German Cemetery
We need your help. Any information on this cemetery…history, persons buried at St. Peter’s, etc., please share. We have written to the city government and are getting no guidance, nor help. Send any information to
a.k.a: Schloegel’s Cemetery; “Schlögels Friedhof”
Here is what we know:
Purchased from the Canton Company on 7-2-1864 [1]. The address is 5710 O’ Donnell Street, which lies between Trinity Cemetery at 5500 O’Donnell and Mt. Carmel at 5712 O’Donnell Street.
The property was sold to the pastor Rev. Charles Schloegel on 6-8-1864 for $478.00. The area was 6 perches (1 perch = 16.5 feet/6=99 feet). This is the approximate size of the plot of land between the two indicated cemeteries above that is overgrown and not belonging to Mt. Carmel or Trinity.
Rev. Schloegel sold the property to his wife and children 1-16-1892
Christina Schloegel (wife of Charles) sold it to her daughters Eleanora and Caroline 3-20-1908. Eleanora died 6-27-1951 and Caroline 3-24-1952. No wills or probate records have been found.
There appears to be no subsequent sales or movement of the land records.
Mention in a report by F. Rothbarth about cemeteries in the city included one for Schlegels Cemetery, stating it was in bad condition and had been defunct for 18 years…this would be 1920..around the same time Christina Schloegel, wife of Charles, died (8-4-1919).
See profile section 'Education and Religion' to review profile of Pastor Schloegel and his family and history.
Those that we have found buried at St. Peter’s/Schloegels:
1. Margaret/Maggie Schloegel-Daughter of Charles and Christina
2. Elizabeth Schloegel-Daughter of Charles & Christina
3. Peter Fleckenstein-Father of Christina Fleckenstein Schloegel
4. Amelia Fleckenstein-Mother of Christina Fleckenstein Schloegel
Hier Ruht in Gott
5. J. Winterbauer – source: obituary from Der Deutsche Correspondent
East side has 2 names both Elisabeth:
Hier Ruht (illegible) Meine Gelie ) Gattin
We also have confirmation via a death certificate for George Vogt
If you have in your research anyone buried at St. Peter's German Cemetery/Schloegel's, please share.
[1] Baltimore County Land Rec. JHL 42 Folio 1
Proof of its existence