St. Paul's Lutheran
1935 Ridge Road (Between Falls Road and Greenspring)
This cemetery has eluded us for years. We finally found it on March 5, 2020.
The cemetery is located on the south side of Ridge Road between Falls Road and Greenspring Avenue, Cockesyville Quadrant. The church was shown on 1877 map but has since been razed..there appears some remnant stones. The street address is 1935 Ridge Road. The location is very overgrown and covered with brush and sticker bushes. There is no access other than crossing on private property. You must also go up a small hill. The day we visited there was no one home….so we trod upon the least private property that we could. We were able to get some photos, but for the most part, the stones were covered with bramble or illegible. Those we have are on this site.
The cemetery had been transcribed by John McGrain in 1971. We used his transcriptions to help with many of the stones.
We do know that the church was dedicated on October 31, 1858. Baltimore Sunpaper article - October 25, 1858
We know little else about the church. If you have any information, photos, etc., please consider sharing. Send to
St. Paul Lutheran
Ridge Road
1877 Map Baltimore County
8th District
Row 1-(near Ridge Road)
1-Hier ruht in Gott Elizabeth, Ehefrau von Karl WEITZ, geboren 19 Juni 1843, Gestorben 6 Juni 1890. In alter von 46 Jahren, 11 Mon. & 17 Tage. Ruhe sanft
2-Hier Ruht in Gott, Karl WEITZ, geboren den 6ten Marz 18.., Gestorben den 19ten Nov. 1908. In Alter von 69 Jahren & 13 Tagen, Ruhe Sanft.
3-William WEITZ, born February 3, 1881, died July 6, 1900. Son of Charles & Elizabeth WEITZ Brooks(signature of stonemaker)
4-Catherine D. , Daughter of John & Elizabeth HEINZELMAN, Born August 23, 1883, died July 27, 1897. Asleep in Jesus.
Row -2-
1-August REINECKA, born Dec. 11, 1885, died Nov. 16, 1886.
2-Annie Wilhelmina REINECKA. Born Oct. 29, 1886. Died May 6, 1887. She has crossed cold Jordans billows And has passed through deaths alarms. She is free from every sorry, in her loving Saviours arms.
3- a-North. Minnie A. REINICKE. August 31, 1898, Aged 75 years. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.
3- b-South. Henry C. REINICKE. Aug. 31, 1887, Aged 68 years. You are absent, yet I often feel, your presence to my mind as real, I gaze upon the vacant chair and oh, how often you seem there.
Row -3-
1.-Catherine, wife of John LONG, born Nov. 10th, 1810, died May 24th, 1901. At Rest. Long (at foot MOTHER)
2-To my husband, John LONG, SR. born April 24th, 1810, died July 16th, 1882. Where immortal spirits reign. There we shall meet again. LONG (signature C.E. Ehman, Baltimore. (at foot FATHER)
4-plot with a ‘K’ corner
6-cement platform supporting one stone:
a. North. Father/John KLOB, born Sep. 13, 1833, died Aug. 8, 1912. Mother, Dorothea KLOB, born Nov. 2, 1835, died Mar. 18, 1908.
b. East. Sister, Eleanora KLOB, born Nov. 14, 1869, died May 20, 1886. Sister, Henrietta R. KLOB, born Jan. 27, 1879, died Mar. 19, 1892.
Row -4-
1-John LONG, born April 19th, 1878, Died Febr. 20th, 1885
2-Leanore LONG, born Sept. 4th, 1884, died Feb. 25th, 1885
3-Herbert, Son of J. & H LONG, died Dec. 27, 1886 in the 9th year of his age. Builded in earth to bloom in heaven.
1-John, Son of C.H. & L. CRONHARDT, born 23rd July, 1875, died 3rd Sepr. 1875. The stone for this infant was located on a nearby property. The property owner notified us in July 2020. If the family would like the stone, they may have it. Apparently it was stolen and dropped on the property. It has been there since about 1999.
Row -6
1-In memory of John H. KURTZ, Son of John & Louisa Kurtz, born March 28th, 1869, died April 8th, 1870. Dear must thou…in prayer….which thy prayer for those is greater who…. infant…
2-Margaret Jane, dau. Of John & Louisa KURTZ, died Sept. 12, 1876, aged 7 mos & 12 days. Blest are the pure in heart for they shall see their God, the ……
3-Father In Rembrance of John KURTZ, born May 4, 1838, Died January 15, 1904, Whilst in this tomb our father lies, His spirit rests above.
4-Mother, Louisa A. KURTZ, October 17, 1842 to Dec. 17, 1908, At Rest.
5- Lewis Frederick, son of John & Louise C. KURTZ, born Nov. 26, 1866, Died Nov. 4, 1914
6-In Memory of Frederick F. EBBERT, Died July 21, 1890, Aged 67 years, 3 months and 27 days. A happier lot than ours and longer light, surrounds thee there.
7-To the Memory of Louisa, Wife of Frederick EBBERT, born March 17, 1825, Died September 3, 1876, Aged 51 years, 6 months, and 17 days. Weep not for me my husband and children dear I could not stay with you, but you can come to me.
8-To the Memory of our Son Frederick EBBERT, born Feb’y 2, 1848, Died Oct’r 27, 1872, Aged 24 years, 8 months and 27 days. Remember, friends as you pass by, As you are now, so once was I; As I am now so you must be. Prepare for death and follow me.
Row 7-
1-Hier Ruht Reinhard ANDRAE, Gestormed Den 3ten Sept. 1865. Alt 63 Jahre 7 mo. & 19Tage. Ach….? Morgen grabt man in die Erde. Die noch heute aufrochstetin?
2-Hier ruht in Gott Sophia KREMPEL, Geboren den 21ten Mai 1810, Gestorben den 2ten, Marz, 1877
3-Hier ruht in Gott Friederick KREMPEL, Geboren den 1ten, April, 1810, Gestorben den 12ten, Mai 1877.
4-George VETTERS, 1834-1919. His wife Minnie VETTERS 1841-1923.
5a- In Memory of Wilhelmina, Wife of George ECKHARDT, born 1808, Died in her 62nd Year.
5b- In Memory of Henry, Son of George ECKHARDT, born 1838, Died in his 47th year.
5c- In Memory of Frederick, Brother of George ECKHARDT, born 1812, died in his 58th year.
5d- In Memory of George ECKHARDT, Born 1805, died in his 77th year. Donator of the land for this Cemetery.
6-Charles HOFFMANN, born Sept. 15th 1853, Died August 29th 1866. Aged 12 years, 11 months and 17 days.
7-Mary C. HOFFMANN, born Sept. 11th 1858, Died July 21st, 1859. Aged 10 months and 13 days.
8-Wilhelmina HOFFMANN, born July 11, 1855, Died Sept. 11th 1866. Aged 11 years, 7 months and 7 days.
9-Katherine HOFFMANN, born August 24th 1871, Died the 24, 1871
Christiana HOFFMANN, born May 10th 1877, Died on the 10th 1877
10-Mary M.A HOFFMANN, born Feby 9th, 1870, died Feby 10th 1883. Aged 13 years and 1 day.
11-Mother. In memory of Magdalena, Beloved wife of August HOFFMANN, born August 4, 1835, Died September 21, 1883. Asleep in Jesus.
12-Father. In memory of August, Beloved husband of Magdalena HOFFMANN, born January 18, 1827, Died January 4, 1899. Gone but not forgotten.
14-Otillia M., Daughter of August & Magdalena HOFFMANN, born Aug. 24, 1871, died Nov. 4, 1897. Asleep in Jesus.
15-To our baby, Charles H., Son of H.J. & M.K. YOX, born Novr. 30th, 1861, died Dec. 21st, 1861. Suffer little children to come unto me.
16-Hannah, Daughter of Geo. F. & Susan R. SCHWARTZ, died the ……Aged…..
17-Margaret A. Daughter of Geo. F. & Susan R. SCHWARTZ, Died Jan 18…, aged 2 yr. Verse illegible.
18-Annie W., Daughter of Geo. F. & Susan R. SCHWARTZ, died Aug. 2, 1883, Aged 1 yr & 10 d. verse illegible.
Row -8-
1-Eva Christina, Wife of J. Martin MEYER, born Nov. 6, 1819, died March 3, 1896. At rest.
2-Hier Ruht, Magdalene, Tochter von John & Barbara ZINK, geboren den 26ten Novr. 1859, gestorben den 30ten Novr. 1862, Alt 3 Jahr & 4 Tage… ich muss scheiden den mein Jarh’s zu Diest….Ich muss…geben mir seine ruh.
3-At rest, Barbara, wife of John ZINK, died apr 8, 1888, Aged 57 y’rs & 11 mo. (Symbol on stone of finger pointed up to heaven)
4-At rest, John ZINK, died July 13, 1896, Aged 61 yrs, 4 mos 1 day. Whilst in the tomb our father lies, his spirit rests above in realms of bliss.
5-John BETZ, born Sept. 6 1824, died July 29, 1883. Nobly at his post he fell.
6- a. WEST. Annie C. BATZ, born July 16, 1871, died March 2, 1890. At Rest. BATZ
b. NORTH. Annie C. BATZ, born Sept 21, 1830
c. SOUTH. Sophia M.E. SNITKER, born May 28, 1879, died April 7, 1899. At rest.
7-M. Anna FLEISCHHAUER, geboren den 13ten Mai 1861, gestorben den 10ten Febr. 1863 (broken). Base Drum- liebe Eltern horet auf Zuldagen seinem Kurzen Lauf. Es ist vollkoumen wo der balde Wer selig stub list genug am all.
8-To our little lamb, Margaret A., daughter of Lewis & Eliz. SHROYER, born Mar 13, 1871, died Apr. 16, 1875. Father, Mother….they tears although that chain is rent I was but a bud that dropped on earth. It blooms a flower in heaven.
Row -9-
1-Hier Ruht, George Wilhelm, Sohn von Christian & Wilhemina HOFFMAN….
2-Hier Ruht, Wilhelmina, Tochter von Christian & Wilhelmina HOFFMAN, geboren August 1860, gestorben ?ten Mar. 1862. Alt 1 Jahr 7 Mo. & 20 Tage…verse illegible.
3-In Memory of Henry C. KLUG, born August 7, 1872, died March 8, 1880 “Suffer little children to come unto me for such is the kingdom of Heaven.”
4-In Memory of Elizabeth LONG, born April 2, 1815, died July 28, 1891. The righteous shall be held in everlasting remembrance. MOTHER.
5-In Memory of Henry LONG, born Feb’y 25, 1814, died Jan’y 3, 1887. Blessed are the dead who died in the Lord, for they rest from their labors and their works do follow them. FATHER.
6-To our beloved son, Henry Hartman, son of Henry & Elizabeth LONG who departed this life Jan’y 12th 1862. Aged 14 years 10 mo & 23 days. The rose may fade, the lily die, but flowers immortal bloom on high beyond the taint of sinful powers.
7-MUTTER? VATER, Johannes DORR, geboren den 28. November 1785, gestorben den 5. Mai 1860. Alt 71 Jahre 5 Monats 7 Tage. Wie wohl ist in …..Leid. Nach ausgestandigen Leiden. Wie wohl ist meine ? In jenen Himmels Freuden. (Johannes DORR, born November 28, 1785, died May 5, 1860. Old 71 years 5 months 7 days. How well is in ... ..I'm sorry. After long-standing suffering. How well is mine In those heavenly delights)
8-Zum Andenken An Johannes SCHWARTZ, geboren den 27 November 1783, gestorben den 14 Januar 1860. Alt 76 Jahre 1 Mon. & 18 Tage. Wein Leib liegst im Staube, Erguickie mich Herr, nach deinen Wort. (In memory of Johannes SCHWARTZ, born November 27, 1783, died January 14, 1860. Old 76 years 1 month & 18 days. Your body lies in the dust, please me, Lord, according to your word)
9-SCHWARTZ (flat monument)
10-To our son John Henry, son of John H. & Margaret SCHWARTZ, August 30th 1849, died Feb’y 14th 1863. Farewell dear Mother I am at rest and shall for ever be. I could not stay with you on earth but you can come to me.
Eltern wischt die Thranen ab Weinend neh bei neinen Grab. Denket es musste so geschchen Wasst es ist ein wieddersehen
11-Margaret A. SCHWARTZ, born Dec. 18, 1824, died April 6, 1914. Gone but not forgotten Nor will you be as long as life and memory last will ever think of thee-Sleep on dear mother and sweet rest. We need you, but God knew best; God’s will be done; He doeth well but how we miss you no tongue can tell.
12-To my Husband, J.H. SCHWARTZ, born June 17, 1819, died Aug. 25, 1876. Aged 57 years, 2 mo’s & 8 days. Weep not my dear wife that I am gone, but strive to follow me and train my children for the Lord, that they may happy be. Mir fehlt deine treue Hand, Dein Blick voll Ernst und Freude, Dein Trost, wenn ich verlassen bin, Dein Mitleid, wenn ich leide. Mir fehlt, mir fehlt deine treue Hand, Dein Blick voll Ernst und Freude, Dein Trost, wenn ich verlassen bin, Dein Mitleid, wenn ich leide)
13-In Memory of I shall go to him but he shall in time come to me. Chas. A. SCHWARTZ, born Nov’r 30, 1828, died Sept’r 24th 1858. Aged 29 years 9 mo’s & 24 days. Tho unexpected was the angels around the throne. Farewell dear wife and children do not fear. In Heaven we’ll happy be.
14-Zur Erinnerung an J. Heinrich SCHWARTZ, geboren den 27ten Nov’r1783, gestorben den 28ten August 1858. Alt 74 Jahre 9 mo. & 1 Tag. Kommet zu mir all die…….
15-Zur Errinerung(stone broker)Anna Maria SCHWARTZ, geboren 1791, gestorben 1848
16-In Memory of Mary, wife of John CRONHARDT who departed this life 10th Nov. 1870 in the 25th year of her age. Friends nor physicians could save my mortal body from the grave. Nor can the grave confine me here, where Christ my Saviour will appear.