The society of men, which is called Schlaraffia, is in the strict sense, a social club/fraternity. Its clubs are spread all over the world and can be found on each continent. Artists and academicians in Prag (Prague), which was considered at the time the Mekka (Mecca) of German culture, founded the Schlaraffia society in 1859. Its aim was to offset the chauvinistic and egotistic behavior of the nobility, and to create a hideout for men from the exertions and worries of the profane life. The Society's maxims consist of fostering art, humor and friendship.
An actor by the name of Victor Mueller-Fabricius founded the club in Cincinnati in 1893. Almost the whole Symphony Orchestra of Cincinnati joined the Society at that time. The name of the Cincinnati settlement is Schlaraffia Cincinnatia. The official language used during meetings and correspondence is German.
Many customs and some semantics of medieval times are used at the sessions, since Schlaraffia maintains its relationship to civic societies of the Medieval Age.
The Society venerates the owl, called UHU in German, as the emblem of wisdom. The owl was honored at the times of the Antike (Greek and Roman antiquity) as the representative of prudence and wisdom. Of the three goals of Schlaraffia, the most important one is the sincere friendship that glues the membership together and obligates each Schlaraffe to provide mutual aid and assistance according to his potential.
Their motto: Friendship, art, humor.
You just have have some German language background and show a willingness to learn and improve over time. Members are encouraged to give artistic, literary and/or humorous presentations.
The Baltimore club met at St. Benedict's Church on Wilkins Avenue, every other Friday evening, October to May. The Baltimore club was founded in 1939.
Officers in 2000
President: Stanley Choate
1st Vice President: Erwin Vogel
2nd Vice President: Michael Henderson
Treasurer: Dr. Grold Schoefer
Secretary: Volker Schmeissner
Schlaraffia Baltimora
Klaus Wallis 410-672-6446
19912 Buhrstone Dr.
Gaithersburg MD 20879