Source: Centennial History of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Maryland 1820-1920, Wentz
Concordia had its’ beginning as a Sunday School, organized April 1, 1876 by St. Peter's Church, Joint Synod of Ohio, in Johnson's Hall, Baltimore and Poppleton Streets.
Rev. A. Pflueger, the assistant at St. Peter's, served the mission, 1876-78. In November 1879, during the pastorate of Rev. G. T. Cooperrider, a frame chapel was built at Franklin Street and Arlington Avenue, at a cost of $885, and was dedicated the Sunday after Christmas, 1879. [The 1890 Baltimore Directory lists the address as 1106 West Franklin Street].
Because of the objection to the use of the English language by the mission, and also because of doctrinal differences on the part of a neighbor church of the Missouri Svnod, the mission had a struggle for existence for a number of years and the growth was slow. It was reported that the teacher of the parochial school of the Missouri congregation mentioned above, would, on Monday mornings, flog every scholar who had attended the Sunday school at Concordia, the English mission, on the previous day. The information was provided by a former student, Mr. Frank Biel and also a member of Concordia.
For a time services were held only on Sunday afternoons, by Rev. E. L. S. Tressel, the pastor of St. Peter's, who, because of his other work, found it necessary also to limit his ministrations at Concordia to a service every two weeks. Rev. J. E. A. Doerman, who served as city missionary of the Joint Synod, was the next pastor. He gave the mission two services every second Sunday. Rev. R. C. IT. Lenski succeeded Rev. Doerman, and it was during his pastorate that the mission became an independent organization, taking the name of Concordia.
The congregation was organized April 16, 1888. The present church building was erected during the pastorate of Rev. R. E. Golladay, at a cost of $8,977, and was dedicated November 10, 1901. The mission, until Januarv 1, 1897, was supported by St. Peter's Church and the Board of Home Missions of the Joint Synod of Ohio. Under Rev. Golladay's ministry the congregation grew in numbers and strength and was enabled to take the important step of self-support.
The ground where the church stood was leased until 1901, when it was purchased for $2.000.
Rev. Fred Schuh, who succeeded Rev. Golladay, made secret societies an issue in the congregation, which resulted in his being terminated and a division within the congregation. A new church was incorporated in June, 1896 and Rev. George Scholl, D.D., acted as supply pastor until the calling of Rev. V. G. Minnick, the first General Synod pastor to serve the congregation. Dr. Scholl again became the supply during the interim of pastorates until Rev. C. E. Arnold was called, and from the retiring of Rev. Arnold until Rev. P. II. Miller, D.D, assumed charge. During Rev. Minnick 's pastorate the parsonage was purchased at a cost of $2,800 in fee.
As the result of the division on the question of secret orders and the consequent weakening of the congregation in members and financial ability, it became necessary to apply to the Board of Home Missions for aid. This was granted during the pastorate of Rev. C. E. Arnold and continued until the end of the fourth year of Rev. Dr. Miller's ministry, when the congregation again became self-supporting.
During Dr. Miller's pastorate the church was improved and beautified and modern improvements made at the parsonage.
Rev. A.Pflueger, 1876-1878
Rev. G. T. Cooperricler, 1879-July, 1882
Rev. J. E. Doerman, May 1, 1885-December, 1887
Rev. R. C. Lenski, January, 1886-1888.
Rev. E. T. Rogne, September, 1889-March, 1892
Rev. Robert E. Golladay, June 1892-1905
Rev. Fred Schuh July 1-August 6, 1907
Rev. W. G. Minnick, January 16, 1908- January 1. 1910
Rev. C. E. Arnold, August 1, 1910- April 18, 1912
Rev. P. II. Miller, D.D., June, 1912-
Tenure of church 1879-1929
Later address is shown as 901 W. Baltimore Street