Mount Zion (Haugh's) Lutheran Church Woodboro
Source: Centennial History of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod in Maryland 1820-1920, Wentz
Mount Zion is six years older in its organization than Woodsboro. It was established in the year 1799. Like Woodsboro, it, too, at first was a union church Lutheran and Reformed. The old church was a typical one of the times. It had a high pulpit and gallery on three sides.
Like Woodsboro, Mount Zion also felt that a half century of time was long enough for them to learn to go it alone. So they secured ground and built a stone church across the road from the old site. This church stood for many years and was used for worship by the congregation until the year 1904 and 1905. Then a new beautiful brick church was erected. The promoters of the new building were : E. O. Cash, Edwin Sharetts, Frederick Mehring, John Riehl and others. The plans were adopted and the building was nearing completion when the vacancy of the pastorate was filled in 1905, by the calling of Rev. Poffenberger.
Some of the honored family names connected with the church are: Sharretts, Biehl, Birely, Cash, Krons, Warner, Mehring, Cover, Garver, Eyler, and others who are worthy also of mention.
The council in 1920 was composed of the following: Elders-Bealt, Devilbiss, E.O. Cash, William Mehring. Deacons Milton Miller, Harry Leatherman, Emery Warner and Lewis W a r n e r. Charles Garver was the superintendent of the Sunday school.
The congregation enrolled among its members some of the most liberal and loyal supporters of the Tressler's Orphan Home at Loysville. Pa. Children's Day is a sort of rally day for this worthy institution and the Mount Zion Sunday school ranks high in the synod with its offerings for the Home on that day.