German Baptist Church- Pipe Creek Church of Brethren


Pipe Creek Church of the Brethren was formerly the ‘German Baptist Church’. The congregation was organized around 1770. No church records were kept of the early church. According to the Carroll County Historical Society [Article written by Jay A. Graybeal, September 11, 1994 for the Carroll County Times], the names Daniel Saylor (Seiler) and Philip Englar were instrumental in the development of the congregation. Their first meeting was held in the farm house of Mr. Englar.

In 1806 a brick meeting house was erected and in 1866 it was remodeled and enlarged. The seating capacity was 600. This was too small and in 1891 again enlarged to seat 1000 persons.

A Sunday School was later organized and at one time under the direction of Supervisors Greenbury Ecker, John Senseney and Uriah Englar, served over 200 children.

According to a Sunpaper article written on October 30, 1991, they had a huge 100th Anniversary celebration (even though the church was well beyond 100 years old) where members celebrated with an old fashioned service and played the part wearing dark clothes, no jewelry, watches, etc. The celebrant was Rev. Stan Diehl. The article states that the church was begun by Martin Urner, II around 1758.

Bishops & Ministers

  • Daniel Saylor

  • Philip Englar

  • David Englar

  • Jonathan Plaine

  • Christopher Johnson

  • Philip Boyle

  • Jesse Roop

  • Michael Petr

  • Jesse Royer

  • David Miller

  • Howard Hillery

  • Hanson Senseney

  • Solomon Stoner

  • Hanson Senseney

  • Solomon Stoner

  • E.W. Stoner

  • William Franklin

  • Amos Caylor

  • Joel Roop

  • Uriah Bixler

  • Solomon Stoner

  • E.W. Stoner

  • Greenbury Ecker

  • Philip Englar

  • Stan Diehl (1991)

Church contact information:

District: Mid-Atlantic

Address: 26 N Pipe Creek Rd

Union Bridge, MD 21791-9049

Phone: 410-775-7343



Church code: 20450